“Wrath and fury
to those who selfishly disobey The Truth
and obey wickedness.”
(Romans 2:8)
Dear Friends –
Ignorance of God prevails in all the neighborhoods of the world as we watch crime and immorality rise to such unprecedented heights; tolerance of evil, and its jaw-dropping moments, has become the new norm, exacerbated by the pandemic. Egotists are thriving in this social-media-fed frenzy of critical exposures, hateful speech, and downright imbecilic utterances to intimidate the equally idiotic-minded ready to accept blather that incites. Falsehoods are consciously promoted with all the dexterity of a contortionist waiting for applause and recognition to their skillful maneuvering of truth. They are liars, deliberate manipulators of facts to their own benefit at the expense of a misguided public. This dominating commonplace maladaptive behavior originates with the followers of the Devil, not Almighty God.
It is not a Christian who is arguing with fellow passengers about mask-wearing to the point of fisticuffs ensuing. It is not a Christian who boldly strides into a business and takes whatever they want off the shelves and exits before a stunned sales staff incapable of reacting, thus, the larger chain stores are closing some to avoid continued loss. It is not a Christian who approaches people eating at a sidewalk café and robs them at gunpoint in broad daylight. It is not a Christian who brutally attacks an elderly Asian woman screaming vile hatred at her for giving us the pandemic… such evil, arrogant stupidity takes on many forms in our current culture. Speaking of stupidity, how did the insane idea of defunding and abolishing police gain such momentum to accomplish this pursuit only to experience such a rise in crime afterwards… where were the intelligent, thinking officials that should have stopped this evil idiocy before it even started? Venality has gained out-of-control power by the sheer multiplication of the Devil’s spawn in every area of life. It is not a Christian who is walking practically nude on the red carpet thanks to see-through underwear; such immorality is peddled by a multitude of so-called “influencers” to inert “followers” who can’t come up with a uniqueness of their own… how tragically dire it is to our society to see this evil cultivation of androids taking over a denigration of Godly Truths.
Deceive, divide, and destroy are the tactics of the Devil who alone has the worldwide power and desire to bring about non-belief in Almighty God. Those evil tactics employed in the above examples are exactly the way the Devil endeavors to conquer God’s realm. Deceit and division by politicians and the media grows more rabid daily while the destruction of centuries-old traditions are marked for annihilation by instigators of Cancel Culture. They want to tear down history wherever possible, rewrite it, and replace it with falsities with the likes of Critical Race Theory and Socialism, derived from the avid atheist Karl Marx, whose methods resulted in failure, not success. When you join forces that destroy a peoples’ history, remove its foundation, and discredit its Creator to obey wickedness, then expect the wrath and fury of Almighty God. So what’s a Christian to do? First of all, fight evil in all its vile forms as best you can, locally and nationally. Expose the liars, educate the ignorant and evil, publically denounce those who flaunt immoralities’ various forms, and most of all, pray, pray, pray! The power of prayer can do more than you will ever comprehend. Realize that exactly by Christ’s words to His disciples when they were unable to remove a demon, they asked Him: “Why couldn’t we drive it out?” Jesus answered, “This kind can only come out through prayer.” (Mark 9:28-29) Because of the free will He gave us, God needs to hear from us that we don’t want to live in sin, that we want Him to deliver us from evil, and thus we pray that He will. Nothing is impossible for Almighty God, but it certainly is for us… ask, and you will receive.
Sin must be redeemed, it cannot go unpunished, and this mandate by Almighty God requires suffering sacrifice to obliterate the stain of sin acquired every time a soul disobeys God’s Commandments. The Old Testament is replete with the various sacrificial methods employed by sinners to appease God, along with the just punishments inflicted by God upon individuals and nations that caused them great pain before returning to Him. This required cleansing of the soul brings that individual back into receipt of the good graces of God, for without that purification, that person is lost to God. The ultimate sacrifice is obviously Christ’s humiliating and torturous death by crucifixion, which He paid as the ransom to open heaven for all sinners of the world. Of all the examples He modeled for us to imitate in order to be a child of God’s, none is greater than to sacrifice for another soul. As the saying goes, “The best way to get to heaven is to take another person with you.”
In prayer, we ask God for a specific that we usually can’t accomplish without His help, however, when we offer up a sacrifice with that request, we are hoping to increase our chances for a favorable outcome. That added sacrifice proves to Him the urgent sincerity and depth to our desire that would be lost if He didn’t intercede. Quite often, people (even atheists) in dire circumstances will promise God something appropriate to the situation as a sacrifice for atonement in order to escape dreadful harm. To sacrifice usually means to give up something we like or need, but it can also imply doing something contrary or additional to our lifestyle in order to gain His favor. Parents holding a very ill child on the verge of death will beg God to spare the child’s life and take theirs instead, or promise to join a church and be a Christian like never before… whatever He wants, they will do. Catholics observe the forty days before Easter as the season of Lent, a period of sacrifice and fasting in remembrance of Christ’s passion and death. Their diet is restricted to smaller portions of a less frivolous menu along with totally abstaining from a favorite treat or pastime indulgence.
Many Christians are praying to God daily for the conversion of a family member, or the return of a prodigal child; others might ask His intercession in national matters, work, or various humanitarian efforts; regardless of the need, they offer a named specific sacrifice for a named specific person or entity. Such typical prayers are: “Please Dear God, take this pain I am suffering and let it be offered up for (add name) to help with (add need).” Or for any incidental minor hurts like a finger slammed in a car door, offer it up to God for whomever, or just tell Him, “Use this miserable inconvenience however you see fit, Dear God.” No suffering, from the simplest of tears to the horrific continued sorrow of loss, will ever get by Almighty God, and some good will come from it, for yourself or another. God’s love for His children will never abandon them, thus, when the world brings harm to them, He will be there, sight unseen, providing.