July 2019

"You thought evil against me, 

but God turned it into good."

(Genesis 50:20)

Dear Friends –

In the first book of The Bible, God makes evident right away one of His most important lessons to learn, and that concept is repeated throughout every book of The Bible thereafter… that Almighty God loves, protects, and reverses evil into good.  No matter what evil anyone plots against you or whatever human disaster may enter your life, your Heavenly Father can bring about a result that will be to your betterment beyond your imagination. Sounds hard to believe I know, but it is true!  In the life story of Joseph, who uttered those words above, we get example after example of God’s methods to guide and direct our lives to more positive outcomes regardless of what others do to us.

Joseph was the son of his father’s old age making Joseph his favorite son, so much so that the father gave only to him an especially ornate robe; this blatant affection caused his ten older brothers to be extremely jealous. To add to their contempt for him, Joseph naively shared two dreams that he had with them, which were interpreted to mean that they would all someday bow down to him!  When Joseph was sent out one day to check on his brothers pasturing their sheep, they saw him approaching and they said, “let’s get rid of this dreamer” and they plotted to kill him, but eventually they sold him to merchants traveling by who took Joseph to Egypt. Pharaoh’s Captain of the Guard, Potiphar, bought Joseph and placed him over his whole household because he discovered, “that the Lord was with him and that the Lord gave him success in everything he did.” Potiphar’s wife however, saw this handsome twenty-year-old as something to devour, and when Joseph ran from her seductions, she lied to Potiphar whose anger had innocent Joseph thrown into prison. In prison, God saw to it that Joseph was favored by the warden, who put Joseph in charge of all that was done there, and again, his efforts resulted in much success.  Two inmates had dreams that Joseph successfully interpreted which led to his eventually interpreting dreams for Pharaoh; these dreams foretold death and destruction by famine for Egypt. Pharaoh placed Joseph over the survival plan that rationed the grain supply; eventually, his brothers came down to Egypt to purchase grain when their own country was devastated. They did not recognize the exalted Joseph when they were brought before him to bow down and beg for grain, but he knew them, and after some back and forth exchanges over time, he revealed himself to them. They begged for his forgiveness, and that’s when he uttered those words above affirming that God had turned their evil act into one that resulted in the salvation of many lives (a pre-Christ example); God had guided and elevated Joseph for his steadfast faith… and the prophetic dreams came true.

When you read the full accounting of Joseph’s life (Genesis 37-50), you will find Joseph had many occasions to give up on Almighty God, but he never did… he couldn’t… he knew The Almighty’s presence and favor occurred with certainty on his behalf.  You may not be sold into slavery, but you may experience sibling rivalry or family trauma that devastates; you are innocent of another’s lies, and whether imprisoned or not, you suffer a terrible injustice that damages your reputation or worse; you are placed into a hellish existence, but you endure with moments of God’s graces easing the pain; you triumph adversity one day not by your own doing but only by the work of God’s hands you are absolutely sure, because the control of all the events that got you to that point were absolutely beyond human capacity… only God works miracles.  Be as steadfast in your faith as Joseph in all the horrors of life that befall you… and like the martyrs that faced death without wavering, so can you… always trust God to take you out of the hellish existence imposed upon you by others to one of betterment, even heavenly!




Abort is such a harsh word; usually, we think of a military commander yelling ABORT, ABORT, the moment a strategic movement goes awry… always the connotation of avoiding violent disaster. A helicopter pilot hovering over stranded hikers on a mountainside is told to ABORT or the copter will be downed by approaching gale winds that will kill all instead of rescuing anyone, and so an alternative method must be plotted.  How and when did the amazing miracle of birth become such a horrible disaster that a woman runs into her doctor’s office and yells, ABORT?  It may certainly be an inconvenience of one kind or another to some women’s plans, but it is definitely not justifiable to selfishly and deliberately kill one life in preference to the good of another… in fact it is just the opposite of God’s Will that one may never profit at the expense of another.  Love consists of caring for the good of another first, as in Christ’s example to die for the sins of mankind so that redemption for humankind was achieved… yes, love requires sacrifice… and yes, a woman as designed by God was destined to mother the human race whatever it costs her… even to the sacrifice of self for her child.  Soldiers are asked to sacrifice their lives for the ideals of their country; fireman endanger themselves to save other human lives and property; students and teachers have instinctively sacrificed their lives in order to protect others from terrorists; bystanders will come to the rescue of complete strangers even if it places their own life in jeopardy, all because… it is the right thing to do! And it is the God required thing to do.  Heroes, we call them as their valor is unselfishly exhibited for another’s good, but a woman who aborts a child is not brave, she is rather a coward that cannot suffer consequences or sacrifice… she is a sinful selfish slayer, and so is the doctor who helps her.

A secular society touts slogans to encourage abortions declaring a woman has a right to decide what to do with her own body… well, long before society declared that, it was actually Almighty God who first gave all of us the right to do as we please when He endowed us with a free will.  That free will lets us follow His suggested commandments for righteous life or not, if not, we become sinners and lead self-centered indulgent lives.  God said, “Thou shalt not kill!”  Even man’s law says killing is verboten, but an unborn child has no advocate in man’s law, and so extinguishing his or her heartbeat is legalized!  Sanctioned by man but certainly not by God, a doctor crushes the head of the unborn child to kill… how can they who took an oath to preserve life commit such a barbaric devastating act?  Without heart or soul or belief in God, these physicians cater to the evil and just as sadistic whims of women who see no wrong in exterminating life… and yes, there is life in that unborn babe because it has a heartbeat just like yours and mine. And if that isn’t grotesque enough, we now have legislation to permit killing the born child that survived an attempted abortion!  We are letting the growing majority of secular sinners of the world take over and rule the heart and soul of our culture, and that hideous extent is too horrid for our imagination to ponder, because it is creating hell on earth when God’s edicts are replaced by man’s.  With the tolerance and acceptance of this immoral mindset, how far off can it be before we find a woman doesn’t have time or finances any longer for an elderly parent, and so it’s off to the doctor to abort life once again for convenience. If a parent threw away their child or adult relative in a dumpster, they would be convicted of murder, and yet isn’t that exactly what the abortionists and euthanasia advocates are doing?  The secular sinners have made themselves into gods… and that is His number one no-no… and thus, serious consequences are inevitable.

Individually we must curtail this momentum however we can, and starting with shaming the practice within our family and friends, we then take it to the ballot box and make sure only dedicated Christian politicians are put into office from the local mayor on up.  Politicians can no longer have a double standard for their religious beliefs by professing they are against abortion for themselves, while enacting legislation that permits the public to do so.  They are enabling others to sin, and a Christian may not do that!  That is a basic religious tenet derived from Christ: “Things that cause sin will inevitably occur, but woe to the person through whom they occur.  It would be better for him if a millstone were put around his neck and he be thrown into the sea than for him to cause one of these little ones to sin.” (Luke 17:1-2) A Christian politician that doesn’t know that you may not be an enabler, must be reprimanded, as some Bishops have publicly done, but at least an education to their ignorance must be offered and if it is not accepted or repentance is non-existent, then, more than a millstone around their neck will be due them from Almighty God… it’s a guarantee. Vote anyone out of office that favors legislation that will facilitate someone to sin or go against any of God’s edicts. Politicians have lied on so many occasions, it seems to be standard-operating-procedure because no one calls them on it, and thus they seize power that corrupts even more.  The fake Christians and the obvious non-Christian politicians along with celebrity icons that promote sinful lifestyles must be stopped, and publically and privately and politely shamed for their behavior instead of tolerated and accepted.  Discuss it within your family and friends and explain its’ wrongness to your children. Not everyone believes in God, but a majority of people have a good sense of what’s right and what’s wrong… abortion and euthanasia are barbarically wrong… this silent majority of good people needs to be heard alongside Christians to stop a devilish takeover of our world… the devil is very real, pure evil that will never give us good life. A culture of death lets sinners prevail, lets killers get away with murder; pro-life recognizes the importance of each human life created in the image of God… abortion is killing God.  The more God is removed from this world by a growing population of secular sinners of all kind, the more appalling everyday existence becomes… see film at eleven.